The research work empirically examined rural
development in Afikpo-North local government of
Ebonyi state.
An effective and development-focused local
government administration is a problem and challenge
that most local governments in Nigeria have not been
able to solve.
Primary and secondary data were employed for
this research work. A survey research design was
considered the most suitable approach in view of the
problem being investigated. A structured close ended
questions were used to collect primary data from the
respondents, this relates to section B of the
questionnaire where A 5-point Likert scale was adopted
ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”.
However, the secondary data was obtained from
textbooks, journals and internet. A total of three
hundred and ninety-nine copies of questionnaire were
distributed based on samples and random sampling
technique while three hundred and seven- one copies
were returned; this means 93% of samples were used
for the research work. Adopting structural-
functionalism as its framework of analysis, the research
employed both descriptive statistical and thematic
analysis in analyzing data sourced from questionnaire
and interviews with the aid of SPSS computer package.
The research concluded that Afikpo-North local
government has not positively affected rural
development in Ebonyi state. Furthermore, that rural
development in Afikpo-North local government is
significantly affected by loss of autonomy/other factors.
Finally, that rural development in Afikpo-North local
government will be significantly affected on
establishment of a functional anti-corruption
mechanism.The study suggests an enactment of an
effective disciplinary act for the local government
system to curb especially the endemic problem
ofcorruption and to diversifyinternal revenue
generation drive / initiate investment so as to boost
theirs services.
Keywords : Local government, rural development, Afikpo- North.