Sacrifice of Rejection in Amos and Relevance with Fifth Principle of Pancasila

Authors : Timothy Uriel Pelmar; Josua Martua Frandiko Aritonang

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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This Amos shows the Israelite sacrifice being rejected by God, even though the sacrifice fulfilled the ritual requirements. The people of Israel in the time of Amos were required by God to do justice and righteousness, but they did not do so and the Lord sentenced them. Some scholars also argue about this rejection and they fall into two groups. The first group concludes that God rejected the sacrifice because He did not need it. The second group believes that the sacrifice was needed but must be followed by people living based on justice and righteousness. The Israelite people during Amos's time ignored justice; corruption, economic inequality, and poverty were rampant. Indonesia, even though its people are religious, also has serious problems of social injustice. Poverty rate is high; economic inequality is wide; corruption is easy to find. The interpretation of Amos about justice is relevant to Pancasila, especially the fifth principle Keadilan Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia.

Keywords : Sacrifice, Sacrifice Rejection, Justice, Righteousness, and Pancasila


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