Sarajevo: A Case for Culture Led Regeneration

Authors : Amina Talić, Lejla Odobašić Novo

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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Throughout the last decades, cities are facing the common problem of abandonment and decay of urban land. This paper explores culture-led urban regeneration in the city of Sarajevo. Sarajevo is a city with rich cultural history, known for its diverse population. It has gone through several destruction periods, the greatest and most recent being the 90’s war. The post-conflict city still carries a lot of marks from this period where many buildings were severely damaged during the war or abandoned throughout the following post-conflict industrial decline. Consequently, a juxtaposition between the neglected urban zones and new development was created. The purpose of this research is to derive a strategy for urban renewal of the city of Sarajevo by analyzing three successful examples in Europe. The results of this research include guidelines for urban regeneration through creative hubs, applied on the example of the former Electrical Power Station in the city center of Sarajevo. The outcome is the regeneration of the Power Station as an inclusive cultural place that welcomes all citizens and echoes the notions of Sarajevo’s multiculturalism while acting as an economic generator.

Keywords : Sarajevo, Collective Identity, Urban Regeneration, Creative Hubs, Culture.


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