SARS-COV2 EFFECT : Audit of the Prevalence and Incidence Factors of Burnout among Education Inspectors during the COVD-19 Pandemic

Authors : Mohamed ESSAOUDI; Raja LOTFI

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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Historically, pandemics have always caused mental disorders and physical distress among the population. SARS-COV2 is no exception. It has invaded all public and private spheres. The education system has not been spared by this scourge either. Through its multiplying, mutating, uncertain and devastating aspect, COVID has become anxiety-provoking for educational staff, especially inspectors. The SARS-COV2 EFFECT study is a preliminary assessment ( conducted over four months in April and May 2020, and in February and March 2021) of the perception by education inspectors (EIs) of the disruption of their professional activity during the pandemic, and of its consequences on their physical and mental health. The survey was carried out by means of a self-administered questionnaire administered to a sample of 113 inspectors (IEs). Although burnout syndrome has been widely studied and documented internationally, there are very few studies that address its prevalence and impact among EIs, especially in the midst of the COVID19. Educational inspection is a stressful profession that may predispose inspectors to burnout. The repeated stopping and resuming of school classes has altered both students' schooling and inspectors' professional tasks. The improvised and urgent recourse to distance learning has been a source of destabilization for students, their parents, teaching staff, and EIs alike. The rearrangement of schedules and working conditions generated additional physical fatigue for 59% of EIs. Psychological and moral exhaustion was reported by 32% of inspectors. This was underpinned first and foremost by the stress of contracting Covid (77%), the fear of a vital risk (35%), but above all of transmitting it to their relatives (81%). This stress affects all socio-professional categories in the inspection, regardless of exposure to COVID. Organizational changes, the lack of visibility, information deficit as well as inadequate protective equipment were major factors of insecurity, especially in the first months of the pandemic. After containment, occupational stress did not diminish despite the significant decrease in infected cases and the drop in mortality due to COVID. On the other hand, the vaccination campaign undertaken very early and in priority in the education sector brought relief and a considerable reduction in stress, without however disappearing. Work on emergency measures, support and health crisis management in education is more than necessary. It should target the dissemination of information, mainly to those most at risk, as well as providing wider psychological or material support to inspectors.

Keywords : Burnout, COVID19, Factors and Effects of Burnout, Education Inspector, Crisis Management in Education.


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