This study aimed to analyze the saving
intentions of the Sumbawa Regency community at the
NTB Syariah bank. It was conducted using the Planned
Behavior Theory model, which includes attitude toward
behaviour, which can be interpreted as a positive
attitude that is believed in seeing something. In this case,
attitude is reflected as a factor of financial literacy.
Subjective norm is a person’s perception resulting from
the influence of others to take action, which in this study
was reflected in the factor of promotion. Perceived
behaviour is the control behaviour of something that is
believed although it has to go through difficulties which
in this study were reflected in the factor of spirituality.
This study used 100 samples of the Sumbawa community
who knew the products of the NTB Syariah bank. The
data were processed using factor analysis. The results
show that the factors of spirituality, public relations,
promotion, financial education, and financial literacyhad
effects on the saving intention
Keywords : Saving Intention, Spirituality, Financial Literacy, Promotion, Sharia Bank, Theory of Planned Behavior