School Clikmate as Correlate of Teacher Effectiveness in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Yauri Education Zone of Kebbi State, Nigeria

Authors : Dr. MUHAMMAD Saratu Mera

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

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The study examines the relationship between school climate and teacher effectiveness in Public Senior Secondary School in Yauri Education zone Kebbi State. Three research questions and Three null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. A survey research design was employed for the study and the sample of the study consist of 34 Principals, 500 Teachers and 364 SS II students drawn from 43 secondary schools in Yauri educational zone of Kebbi State. The instruments for data collection are questionnaire titled school climate and teacher effectiveness questionnaire (SCATEQ) and the observation inventory scales on teacher effectiveness. Data collected were analyzed using percentage, means, standard deviation and person product moment correlation co-efficient. The findings of the study includes: open school climate is positively correlated to teacher effectiveness while closed school climate have negative relationship with teacher effectiveness. Also teachers in open climate are more effective in promoting academic achievement, attainment of lesson objective and good students conducts. Based on the findings of the study some of the recommendation made are: in schools with closed climate the principals should be more considerate towards teachers welfare and be more open to suggestions. This will go a long way in motivating the staff and schools with familiar climate should pay more emphasis on productivity, both the principals and teachers should pay more attention to their responsibilities for overall attainment of the school goals


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