Searching for New Earth

Authors : Berthianna Nurcresia, Tua Raja Simbolon, Johny Setiawan

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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The discovery of exoplanets has intensified interest in the search for extraterrestrial life, especially for planets orbiting the sun like stars in habitable zone. The study of planetary habitability also considers a wide range of other factors in determining the suitability of a planet for hosting life. This study aims to determine to explore the variety exoplanets like giant planets, terrestrial planets, habitable planets, and earth like planets. The method for searching that planets are using five different methods, like radial velocity method, transit method, gravitational micro-lensing, astrometry, and direct imaging. From the study process obtained that there are 1.271 giant planets, 211 terrestrial planets, 291 habitable planets, and 2 earth like planets.

Keywords : Extrasolar Planet, Habitable Zone, Giant Planets, Terrestrial Planets, Habitable Planets, Earth Like Planets.


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