Security and Privacy in Big Data

Authors : Hasina Masud Khadas; Heeba Aslam Mujawar; Srushti Sureandra Shetye

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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Data which is large in size, volume and processing extreme complexity and generated mainly by business is collectively known as Big Data. Due to their complexity, this type of data is not possible to be stored in the traditional database systems. They require specifically designed tools for them such as Hadoop. Big Data might involve sensitive data which if left unsecured can be exploited by cybercriminals for misusing it. As with time, the Big Data just keeps on growing, it is more difficult to secure/protect the data. Every organization has to secure and maintain privacy of their Big Data to avoid any negative impact from the data collected through the hands of cybercriminals. Big Data security involves guarding the data and analytics processes performed on it from cyber-attacks such as theft or any other kind of malicious attacks. This research paper intends to explore the security and privacy concerns/challenges occurring while securing the Big Data

Keywords : Big Data, Security, Privacy, Encryption, Cybercriminals


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31 - October - 2021

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