Self-Care in the Prevention of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: A Systematic Review

Authors : Kary Patricia Cabrera-Sosoranga ; Isabel Cristina Mesa-Cano ; Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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According to the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), from 2001 to the year 2019 in Ecuador, diabetes has become the second cause of death in the country with 4. 890 deaths, being a chronic disease that affects the population aged 10 to 59 years with a prevalence of 1.7%, being peripheral neuropathy one of the most frequent complications and perhaps the earliest, so it is important to detect it in a timely manner, because there is a 15 times higher risk of amputations than in the general population, this condition produced a negative impact on the quality of life of the patient. Objective: To examine the scientific literature on selfcare in the prevention of peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients. Methodology: With the purpose of obtaining relevant information that contributes to the knowledge that exists worldwide on the subject, an organized exploration of original articles was carried out through the following search engines: PubMed, Dialnet, Index, Scopus, Elsevier, SciELO, Redalyc, using the following keywords: "peripheral neuropathy", "self-care theory", "diabetes", "Dorothea Orem", "Diabetic neuropathy", "diabetic foot" and Diabetic foot, AND self-care, with a maximum age of 10 years and without language limitation. Result: Thanks to the literature reviewed, it was found that most of the studies are related indicating that most of the patients have a selfcare deficit and reverence to the nursing care provided in this type of patients, based on the self-care theory of Orem, thus educating education in this way directed to the diabetic patient on self-care, even if they have not presented wounds or ulcerations, in order to prevent this disease, since there are studies that claim that peripheral neuropathy can be prevented by 80% if there is a good self-care. Conclusions: It was evidenced once again that timely education is a fundamental tool, focused on the prevention of neuropathy, demonstrating after interventions the effectiveness of educational talks, since the patient increases his level of knowledge which allows him to empower himself in his treatment and improve his self-care.

Keywords : Peripheral Neuropathy, Self-Care Theory, Diabetes, Dorothea Orem, Diabetic Neuropathies, Diabetic Foot.


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