This study entitled Semiotic Analysis of the
Message Meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility of
Aqua Mineral Water “Back to be Pure #Aqua242”
Version, Ramadhan 2018 Edition in Television Media.
The concepts used in this study are the concept of
semiotic, semiotics of visual communication, and the
concept of code. The method used is a semiotic analysis
method. Semiotics is called the science of signs.
Semiotics is the study of the meaning and analysis of
events that give a meaning (meaning-producing events).
It is because semiotics can provide scope for
interpreting advertisements so that ultimately they can
find hidden meanings in an ad. The object in this study
is the advertisement of Aqua mineral water in the
“Back to be Pure #Aqua242” version of the Ramadan
2018 edition on television that lasts one minute and
thirty-six seconds. Identification of the object of
research that has a theme of concern for the audience or
the people of Indonesia, especially those undergoing
fasting, which is a call to the audience to suffice
hydration during the month of Ramadan by returning
to pure consumption of Aqua mineral water to avoid the
dehydration. The results of this study indicate that the
Aqua’s message through CSR advertisements with the
campaign “Back to be Pure #Aqua242”, Aqua is
meaningful and communicates that Aqua wants to
contribute proactively to provide solutions and
directions on how to avoid dehydration during fasting,
which is drinking enough mineral water and right with
the pattern of 2+4+2, which is two glasses when break
fasting, four glasses at night and two more glasses at
dawn. This is as one of the objectives of PR campaign
activities for public awareness and public education (the
ability to educate the public).
Keywords : Meaning of the Message, Semiotics, Advertisements, & Television Media.