Advertising is an effective media to convey messages, Youtube is a media that is often use to advertise, because Youtube based online media that is often use by the public and Youtube has a long duration so it can convey messages in detail and effectively in campaigning messages in advertisements. The Ministry of Tourism through the Pesona Indonesia brand carried out a campaign by placing advertisements on Youtube with the title of Pesona Indonesia Destinations. The purpose of this research is to find out the message of meaning in the Pesona Indonesia 2017 Destination. The theory used is Ferdinand De Saussure's Semiotics theory which explains that the sign has interconnected elements namely signifier and signified, the signifier is sound or streak meaningful, and the signified is the picture or concept of something from the marker. The relationship between the two concepts is called significance. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a semiology communication analysis approach.
Keywords : Semiotic, Messages, Meanings & Advertisements.