- The purpose of this study was to analyze the
effect of service quality and facilities on customer
satisfaction and loyalty of Mekaar Syariah Area Bandung
4 at PT. PNM. The research method used is quantitative
through primary data analysis using questionnaires on
certain populations or samples, namely customers of
Mekaar Syariah Bandung Area 4 PT. PNM. The main
research instrument is quantitative/statistical data
analysis which requires the use of a question structure
where answer choices have been provided with a sample
of respondents. The type of research used is quantitative
research with AMOS version 24 data processing tool. The
research hypothesis shows that the service and facility
quality variables have a significant and positive effect on
satisfaction, the satisfaction variable has a significant and
positive effect on customer loyalty, and the service quality
variable has a significant and positive effect on customer
satisfaction. customer loyalty Mekaar Syariah PT. PNM.
Keywords : Quality of Service, Facilities, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty