Sharps injuries are second mostly to lifting
and handling injuries in the range of workplace risks
encountered by healthcare staff on a regular basis. A
significant number of UK healthcare staff has contracted
both Hepatitis C and HIV. The real and possible effect of
serious injury on individuals and companies are far
greater than purely statistical vulnerability Seroconversion of the blood-borne virus. Efforts in the past
In order to avoid sharp accidents, the emphasis was on
improving behaviors; Prevention is the focus of the
current laws and there are now clear standards to be
followed. Sharps accidents are commonly accepted as
having been recorded. They are too frequently viewed as
a repulsive occurrence. Occupational vulnerability when
working in healthcare. However the violence of such
injury may not be a better contrast to the clinical
intentions of healthcare workers. They are too commonly
seen as a repulsive occurrence that presents an
occupational risk when employed in healthcare. The
brutality of such injury, however, may not be a greater
contrast to Therapeutic intentions of healthcare