Sign Language Recognition System Using Deep Learning

Authors : Pasumarthi Yaswanth Sai Varun; Sai Kiran Dangeti; Sankatala Sudheer Kumar; A.Robert Singh

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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Communication is demand in human life in every single day. Better communication takes you to better understanding, and it containing everyone in the community, including the deaf as well as dumb.Interfering with other people in sign language. However, most listeners could not acknowledges signing and learning it's not a simple process. Finally, there is still an unacceptable barrier between the deaf and normal.Communicating with those having vocal and hearing disabilities. To overcome this problem we have planned to develop a model to detecting the language of people like dumb usually used. For that we required to work on the large sized data set to acquire this step the only way to resolve this is we have to work this idea with deep learning concepts and with python 3 programming which is very suitable to data set training in very comfortable manner. We are going with CNN algorithm because a large data set is required to complete the task because CNN manages the image processing in a feel good manner after the completion of data set training we have to show our palm and some alphabets in sign language and it captures and showed as a text

Keywords : Sign Language, CNN Algorithm, Kinect, Deep Neural Networks.


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