Authors : Dimas Primasatya; Erry Rimawan; Hendi Herlambang; Horas Canman S
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL031
Non-invasive measurement method has made
rapid developments in the field of biomedical
engineering. One of research is impedance
cardiography (ICG), which provide information of
pulsation basic. By knowing this kind of measurement
technique, it will assist inspection of the patient's
physiological condition with cardiovascular system.
This research is aimed to determine the mechanical
characteristics of the cardiovascular system in the
human body such as a wave graph of pressure, flow,
and volume, based on pressure–flow model in rest
condition, and analyze the simulation results by
implementing state of the physiology cardiovascular
disease. To obtain the wave chart that is modeled by the
cardiovascular system using a lumped parameter
method, formulate the differential equations of the
pressure–flow dynamics equation for an incompressible
fluid in a segment of a cylindrical elastic tube and
simulate the model using the Simulink toolboxes from
Matlab R2008b.
The simulation with lumped parameter method
resulted wave graphics of pressure, flow, and volume of
physiological state a person in rest condition, the left
ventricular pressure is 120 mmHg , right ventricular
pressure is 30 mmHg , left ventricular outflow is 800
mL / sec and volume in the left ventricle is 160 mL . By
implementing the simulation have been developed on
the physiological state of cardiovascular disease,
hypertension occurs when the arteries resistance R3i =
0.61 mmHg × s mL with the pressure of the left
ventricle is 145 mmHg. For coronary heart condition,
ventricular pressure decreased until 82 mmHg in the
value of the coronary arteries resistance is R3o = 0.852
mmHg × s mL. This research assumed heart haves the
character of passive because there is no feedback signal
that can compensate if the pressure in the systemic
circulation is reduced.
The research can be concluded that the graph from
simulation shows the results are not much different
from the reference chart, this results indicates that the
equation and the simulation was able to reflect on the
human circulatory physiological circumstances. A little
different of a graphic simulation result due to
differences in the parameters and assumptions used.
Keywords : Cardiovascular Mechanical Systems, Simulation, Pressure, Flow