PT.TKM has 3 Powder Coating (PC), they
are PC-1, PC-2, and PC-3. Time of painting (TOP) and
consumption of fuel gas (COFG) data from 2017 to 2019
stated, that PC-1 exceeds standard. In 2020 PT.TKM’s
made decision to develop PC-1, but it requires a study
science, to know which the most efficient PC is. This
study uses 2 analysis methods, they are Single
Productivity (SP) and Multi Factor Productivity (MFP)
analysis. From results of SP and MFP analysis, PC-3 is
declared to be the most efficient PC, and PC-3 can be a
reference model for PC-1 and PC-2 development
Keywords : Powder Coating, Single Productivity, Multi Factor Productivity