Smart Accident Notification System using GPS-Module and GSM-Module

Authors : Dr. Basavaraj G.M, Jeevan Shetty, Dikshith B.K, Karthik S, Devraja

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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The high demand of automobiles has also increased the number of road accidents In 2016 NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) Reported that the number of road collisions in India was 464,674, which caused 148,707 traffic-related deaths. India reported a collision rate of 0.8 per 1000 vehicles in 2015 an decrease from 0.9 per 1000 vehicles in 2015.The fatality rate due to these accidents was 11.35 per 1000 in 2015.This shows the lack of efficient first responders in our country. Our system aims to improve this condition by detecting the accident and gathering the location in terms of geographical coordinates using GPS Module and sending it to first responders. Thus, with the help of this information they will be able to reach the victim much faster and this can help overcome the loss of life due to delay in response. The information sent to the medical responders will consist of the time and coordinates of the location where the accident has occurred. A switch is also included in the system in case the victim is unharmed this helps to save valuable time for the responders.

Keywords : Switch, GPS Module, GSM Module.


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