Smart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning

Authors : Nivethitha. A; Pramoth Krishnan. T; Narendran. G

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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Disease Prediction exploitation Machine Learning may be a system that predicts the illnesssupported data or the symptoms he/she enters into the system and provides the prescription for that illness and conjointly provides the correct results supported that information. It's a system that provides the user the ideas and tricks to keep up the health system of the user and it provides how to seek out the illness exploitation this prediction. From this technique by simply asking the symptoms from the user and getting into within the system and in precisely few seconds they'll tell the precise and up to some extent the correct diseases. This illness Prediction exploitation Machine Learning has totally finished the assistance of Machine Learning and Python artificial language with Tkinter Interface for it and conjointly exploitation the dataset that's obtainable antecedent by the hospital's exploitation that we are going to predict the illness. The info entered by the user holds on within the information.

Keywords : Machine Learning, Symptoms based disease prediction, Python, Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN, Naïve Bayes


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