Smart Medical System

Authors : Sanjeev Thakur; Bhavesh Gharat; Shreyash Ghatage; Mr. Mithun Mhatre

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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Smart Medical System" is entitled as the project. Patient, Doctor, Admin are the 3 modules included in it. Manually getting an appointment especially in 21st century has become very timeconsuming task. Also, in the emergency case we have fill very long forms before the prior check-up, the preservation of data like prescription and doctor visits are mainly stored in the registers system which makes it difficult to preserve the data. Henceforth for this Smart Medical System has been introduced which helps the patients to book the appointments as fast as possible at one click, respective accounts are been created for patients to keep their prescriptions and receipts. They do not have to fill their details again and again also the doctors can schedule their appointment as they can manage as well get their payment of respective bills through the online payment method. All this application can be controlled by the admin. He can also change the required things as per the need of the system.


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