Social Recommendation System using Implicit and Explicit Trust

Authors : Sonal Shelar, Tushar Ithape, Pallavi Lagad, Shashikant Khetmalis.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 5 - May

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In the past ten years the recommender systems how been attracted and created a lot of interest as it is an imperatively way of information filtering in the previous information retrieval research community various recommendation techniques and approaches how been widely analyzed. There is a great commercial demand for the recommendation system and it have been successfully worked out in industrial environments such as recommendation in Amazon, music recommendation at iTunes, recommendation of movies at Netflix and so on. Here, we are proposing and approach for social recommendation system using user trust which is based on implicit and explicit trust analysis including matrix factorization technique for recommendations. This system is capable of integrating various information sources into the recommendation system reduce data sparsity and cold start issues and their degradation performance. Base paper of this system contain analysis of social trust data from the few of real world data sets which specifies that the implicit and explicit influence of both ratings and trust must be consider for recommendation model. Hence the system uses implicit and explicit trust for the prediction of ratings.

Keywords : Collaborative filtering, matrix factorization, implicit trust, explicit trust,social trust.


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