This study aims to determine the social value
contained in student textbooks. The student textbooks
analyzed were the textbooks for students of Islamic
Religious Education and Character Education for SD/MI
grade V revised edition of the 2017 Curriculum 2013
published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The
method used in this research is descriptive analysis
method. As for what is analyzed is the social values
contained in each lesson in the textbooks for students of
Islamic Religious Education and Budi Pekerti SD/MI
Class V.
The result of this research is that the densest social
value in this student textbook is very complex. Because it
contains seven social values that must be mastered by
children. That is honest; children are conditioned to
express their feelings as they are and not cheat on tests,
discipline; children are accustomed to completing tasks
according to the instructions provided and answering
questions correctly and correctly, responsibilities; the
child is directed to accept the risk of the action taken,
polite; the child is conditioned to respect and obey parents
and teachers, care; children are directed to have the habit
of not ignoring other people and like to help, confident;
children are conditioned to dare to appear in front of
others, and work together; Children are conditioned to
solve problems by working together
Keywords : Component; Social Values, Student Textbooks, Curriculum 2013.