Socio-economic Aspects on Fishery of Local People in Kamarse Sanpya Village, Thanatpin Township, Bago Region

Authors : Swe Swe Win, Sandar Win, Soe Soe Htay, Yee Yee Lwin, Myint Myint Aye

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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The Kamarse creek located in Thanatpin Township of Bago Region was designated as the study area. The socio-economic survey in the chosen area is mainly based on the recorded fishery processes during the study period from August 2017 to March 2018. The survival patterns for livelihood of the locals in dry and rainy seasons were comparatively studied from the socio-economic aspects. The sampling frame was based on the list of households in Kamarse Sanpya Village. The household members were categorized into four classes of age by sex such as 5-24, 25-44, 45-64 and 65+ respectively. Educational status of household members was classified into illiterate, monastery, primary (learning), primary (passed), middle (passed), undergraduate and graduate. The occupation in two situations namely rainy season and dry season since the job category can change according to the season. In rainy season, the highest percentage of occupation is fishery which made up 37.6% of household members. In dry season, the highest percentage of occupation is general worker which is 35.9% of household members. Fishermen mainly earned their income by fishing during rainy season but they used to change their occupations especially in dry season. The two occupations, fishermen and general workers, are found as vice visa.

Keywords : Socio-Economic Survey, Population, Educational Status, Occupation, Income


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