Socio-Economic Impact of Cordyceps Collection on Cordyceps Collectors in Sephu Gewog of Bhutan

Authors : Madan Gurung

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 10 - October

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The research was conducted in Sephu Gewog. Since Cordyceps are becoming the major source of income for the people living in Sephu Gewog, the main aim was to find out how Cordyceps collection has improved the socio-economic lives of people in Sephu Gewog. In Sephu, there are five chewogs with only 265 households in 2004 but the number of household has increased to 314 in 2005. In 2018 the number of households increased to 319 as reported by Gup of Sephu Gewog. The finding says that there is a positive impact of Cordyceps collection in the socio-economic status of the respondents. There are around four different collection areas in the Gewog. The data were collected from the people living in Tangchenma, Mewlo, Kankkira and Gangrira (Gangkarphensum) villages under Sephu Gewog. Most family splits themselves and register as new household so that more members from the house can get permit to collect Cordyceps.

Keywords : Cordyceps, Collection, Socio-Economic Status, Gewog, Sephu, Bhutan.


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