The word bedia is a corrupt form of the Hindi word behara, which means a forest dweller they are mainly hunters they don’t know the skill of cultivation.. But in case of Burakocha is totally different. The Burakocha name originated from two Nagpuri words Bura means old man and Kocha means bowl. The village has a unique story behind its name. The village was established by an old man and the village is surrounded with three hills so its forms a bowl like structure. Socioeconomic study of the village shows that it is a remote village. Total 57 families are in this village belonging from Bedia caste. More than half of the villagers are literate but education standard is poor, only one middle school is present here. 100% population belongs to the below poverty line.Male and female both literacy rates are highest in (16-21) age group people and lowest in (36-40) & (56-60) age group people.10% family earn Rs.10000-20000/annum, 20% family earn Rs.2100030000/annum, 30% family earn Rs.31000-40000/annum, 22% family earn Rs.41000-50000, 10% family earn Rs.51000-60000/annum and lastly only 8% family earn Rs. above 61000.