Soil Improvement & Conservation Based on Biosoildam Integrated Smart Ecofarming Technology (Applied in Java Alluvial Land & Arid Region in East Indonesia)

Authors : Nugroho Widiasmadi

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20SEP239

Biosoildam a technology that combines agricultural and environmental activities (water & soil conservation) based on IOT. This analysis aims to improve alluvial agricultural lands by analyzing the relationship between microbial activity on acidity and the infiltration rate for alluvial lands that widely spread on the north coast of Java with Biosoildam Technology. Microbial activity as a biological agent / biofertilizer of slurry biomass decomposition taken from the livestock center and soil conditioning will affect soil electrolyte conductivity (EC). Other variables use the humidity and soil temperature parameters to control the relationship. Integrated Ecofarming where harvest straw for feed and livestock waste for fertilizer in micobial decomposting process is a cost-effective method that can improve soil quickly and measurably. The research took place from January to July 2018 on the red onion farms in Nganjuk Regency. The tools used include Double Ring Infiltrometer for measuring the infiltration rate at three radial distances from the centre of the microbial hole (biohole), microcontroller & wifi, electrolyte conductivity sensor as the soil fertility indication, pH meter for measuring soil acidity, and humidity and soil temperature sensors. The real-time information on soil paramaters is obtained through analogue inputs from EC, pH, humidity and temperature sensors, converted into digital information data by a microcontroller which later sent via wifi. Sensors are spreadly placed with radius A= 1,5 m ;B= 2 m ; C= 3m. Average Result : infiltration rate =40cm/h EC=1100 M=45 % T=25°C pH=6,5.

Keywords : Integrated Smartecofaring, Infiltration Rate , Biofertilizer, Biosoildam, Alluvial Land , Biohole, Soil Decomposer, Fertility , Acidity, Humidity


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