Solar energy is the most efficient form of en-
ergy ,and used for domestic such as cooking , solar pan-
els and for industrial purposes for producing electrici-
ty, transportation, solar batteries. So in today’s time
usage of solar cells for installing solar panels is consid-
ered cardinal. They are installed in the direction of
maximum radiation of sunlight. Since the sun keeps
moving maximum radiation of sun cannot be obtained
during all the time. The maximum radiation receiving
position comes once in 24 hours.
Sunlight consists of two components, one is the “di-
rect beam" which carries the maximum part of solar
energy, and the second being “diffuse sunlight" which
carriesthe remaining sunlight – the diffuse portion refers
to the blue sky on a clear day, and on cloudy days con-
sists the larger portion. Since direct beam constitutes
majority of energy, to have maximum efficiency the sun
needs to be visible to panel utmost.
The earth receives 16x1018 units of solar energy
every year, which is 20,000 times the requirement of
mankind on earth. The function of Solar panels is to
convert light energy into electrical energy. Solar power
generation system using moving panel is an efficient
power generating method using sun radiation. To sense
the direction of maximum intensity of light two sensors
are used. The difference between the outputs of the sen-
sors is then calculated and given to the microcontroller
The energy from the direct beam inclines with the
cosine of the angle between the incoming light and the
panel. And for the angles of incidence up to around
50°the reflectance is constant, beyond which reflectance
reduces significantly.
Microcontroller processes the input voltage and
controls the direction in which the motor has to be ro-
tated so that it will receive maximum intensity of light
from the sun.
Keywords : Solar Energy, Solar Panels, Sensors, Micro- controller.