The study of wildlife trade was made on around protected areas, the festival place in Shwesettaw Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar. The study period was lasted from December 2017 to April 2018. A total of twenty nine wild animals were found during the period of Shwesettaw Pagoda festival. Among them, Mammals was represented by sixteen individuals including one Primates, six Carnivoa, one Proboscidea and five Artiodactyla,two Rodentia and one Largomorpha were observed. Aves revealed one species of Peafowl, and Hornbill, five species of Parakeets, two species of Owl and one species of Hawk-eagle. In Reptilians, Burmese Star Tortoise and two pythons were observed. Wild animal species were sold as traditional medicine, food and pet in the festival period. Mammalian species were traded as the most common species in the use of traditional medicine and food. Avian species were sold as pet. Parts of wild animal including skulls, skins, scales, horns, antlers, molars, tasks, skeletons, penis and meat of mammalian species were sold in the markets of study area. In the category of the current IUCN Red List, studied species are one Critically-endangered, four Endangered , five Vulnerable, four Near Threatened and 15 were Least Concern.
Keywords : Wild Animals, Trade, Mammalian Species, Birds, Reptiles.