Spatial Inverted Index for Spatial Queries

Authors : Dr. M Nagartna, E.Saraswathi

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Today’s applications request to find spatial objects closer to user’s location or within some range which satisfies user supplied set of keywords. The result is a combination of a location and textual information based on the IR2 tree. But IR2 tree is not capable of providing real-time effective answers. In this paper an index method is proposed called spatial inverted index, to overcome the drawbacks of IR2-tree. Spatial inverted index based on conventional inverted index. It is compressed version of an I-index which consumes much less space and used to minimize the size of an inverted index. For example, in case of emergency instead of considering all hospitals, the nearest neighbor query would return hospital that is the closest among those whose equipment list contain “X-ray viewer, ICU, ECG Monitor” all at the same time.

Keywords : Spatial Inverted Index; Spatial Query; keyword search


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