Net Enrollment Rate (NER) is one of educational indicators used to assess the access and equity of educational institution services. The NER of Mataram has not met the target of SDGs and the program of WAJAR DIKDAS 9 years in Junior High just reaches 75.81%. The value of NER in an area has a variance and tends to affect each other. Thus, by considering the effect of location, this study aims to develop educational participation model associated with infrastructure, accessibility, and demographic condition of the citizen in Mataram. It employed multiple spatial regressive method utilizing GeoDa software. It used primary and secondary data; the primary data were obtained from field observation on the coordinates of the students’ residences and schools; the secondary ones were taken from the data of Ministry of Education and Culture of 2018, viz. Data Pokok Pendidikan (DAPODIK), Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), and other secondary sources.
Keywords : Education, Net Enrollment Rate (Ner), Spatial Modeling.