Speaking System for Aphonic People Using Hand Gloves

Authors : Lakshya Verma; Pankaj Kumari; Ashwini Bari

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3kGqRjR

It is very important for people with disabilities to participate and maintain contact with each other and with other members of society. People who are deaf some way by which they can express themselves. However, many modern interactive tools for speaking interact with users through voice commands, which may be a problem for deaf-mute people. Using Hardware techniques like raspberry tool and integrate other hardware which has opened up new horizons for the speaking industry. The instrument may interact with 3D visuals and sound detectors with players. This implies that players may influence the game world with their physical motions and vocal instructions. This document aims to develop a system which will be a speaking device for creating gesture game suitable for deaf-mute people. Stupid persons, ordinary persons, cannot talk. Know the language of the sign used for interaction among the dumb. The method is helpful in solving this problem. Gestures correspond to people's communication habits. Different researches are still working with gesture recognition and speak system. In this document, speaking tool (also called sign language) become the voice of deaf people. Image processing is used to recognize gestures.

Keywords : Raspberry Pi 4,Accelerometer. Flex Sensor, Speaker, LCD’s, Crystal Oscillator, Resistors, Cables & Connectors, Diodes, Adapters, Gesture Recognition, SD Card.


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