Voice assistants are software programs that
synchronizes human speech and responds to that
command. Voice assistants are boon for our generation
as it has been made to make us ease at work, we can now
just order the assistants and get the desired result.
Users can make their assistant do a variety of jobs,
like media playback, google, Wikipedia, and many other
to-do lists, by their verbal command.
The use of voice assistants is increasing heavily in
every sector. Every company, every developer is
introducing their own version of Vas. Like google has its
own assistant “google home” Amazon has “Alexa” Apple
has “Siri” etc. “TRIADON” voice assistant is one like
them but more secure as the privacy issues which has
been a big concern past few years. Some potential has
been added for the security purpose. The most well
utilization of Triadon is its security and ease at using an
its connectivity with other devices through Bluetooth.
Keywords : Human Computer Interaction; Virtual Personal Assistant; Smart Devices; Speech Recognition; Voice Assistants