Mutual funds have emerged as an important\\nintermediary in all the capital markets of the world. The\\nmutual funds play and will continue to play an\\nimportant role in the growth of the capital market in\\nIndia. Making investment in a mutual fund is more\\nconvenient as compared to dealing in the capital market.\\nSo, a mutual fund is a suitable investment for a common\\nman as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified\\nand professionally managed basket of securities at a\\nrelatively low cost. Thus, due to their increasing\\npopularity it becomes necessary to measure their\\nperformance and identify the right schemes for\\ninvestment. The main aim of this paper is to compare\\nschemes of 4 companies in growth, income and hybrid\\ncategory and to identify the best scheme in each category\\nand it also highlights the best category by considering\\nthe return and risk of each fund.
Keywords : Beta, Sharpe Ratio, Standard Deviation, Yield, Total Return and Mutual Funds.