A Review on Ground Water Pollution – An Environmental Concern

Authors : Suresha. R, Dr. S R Sudheendra, Vimala T, Dr. Namitha R.

Volume/Issue : AAM – 2019

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2WVpuoy

The number one environmental concern around the world is water pollution. The limited fresh water availability and increase of the population over the globe, as a result increases the generation of waste water being discharged to land, river, lakes and sea. Thereby polluting the fresh water available in streams, ponds, ocean, water bodies and ground water. The water adulteration condition in India is also in equally desperate position with great hazard to human health, aquatic life, vegetation and ecological balance. Hence water pollution issues are continuously becoming worse on a time scale. This review paper intended to bring awareness about an environmental concern in the field of water pollution and provides an insight on river pollution district effects on human health. And also further derive analytical solutions and numerical simulations have been carried out to justify the estimation of water pollution using mathematical modelling.

Keywords : Water Pollution, Surface Water & Groundwater Pollution, Harmful Chemicals, Infectious Diseases.


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31 - October - 2021

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