Authors : Dr. Mahadeo Yadav, Dr. Chandra Iyer, Shubham Khirnar, Komal Kolambkar, Saloni Bhalerao, Elmo Kripalani, Amrut Dabir, Parth Ahire, Sapna Jha
Volume/Issue : MMK: ACE - 2019
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Education is the fundamental right of every individual. Higher education (HE) is one of the important\\nsources of creating, providing and transfer of knowledge in society. According to Chanakya the “Education\\nis the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and youth.” On\\nthe similar thoughts, the Danish education reformist, who is also a professor at the University of Southern\\nDenmark, Prof. Peter Mortimore quotes “Education is the process through which society transmits its\\naccumulated values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and customs from one generation to another and influences\\nhow an individual think, feels and acts.”