Moving Towards Self-Actualization…!

Authors : Ms. Falguni Shah

Volume/Issue : MMK : ACE - 2021

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In these uncertain times of pandemic, lots of\\nus are going through major changes in our lives, and not\\njust changes but may be even turn arounds, with\\nlimitations on meeting our friends and family, to lost\\njobs ,to lockdowns ,to uncertainty in terms of business, to\\nfear of health to lost lives ,to struggle to make ends\\nmeet ,to struggle to keep up to needs of the family and\\nyet be available 24/7 for office work from home,\\nmanaging disbalanced work life to handling frustrations\\nof children not being able to go to school and colleges,\\nmanaging their screen time addiction and keeping them\\nentertained or occupied in a healthy and correct manner.\\nThere are lots of struggle that lots of us have or are yet\\ndealing with. But one thing that truly helps to survive\\ntough times is reaching to a space from within, a space\\nwhich a self-actualized person reaches. It’s a space which\\nhelps one cope with lot of what happens in one’s life and\\nyet derive the best out of every experience. To\\nunderstand this let us explore what self-actualization is,\\nwhat are the characteristics of a self-actualized person,\\nhow does one benefit from being self-actualized and thus\\nthis understanding will help us move towards Self\\nactualization


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