Study on Changing Buyer’s Behavior Due to E-Commerce: A Comparative Study between Online Shopping & off Line Shopping (Research Paper Study during March 2019 to Sept.2019)

Authors : Dr. Aashish Shashikant Jani

Volume/Issue : MMK : ACE - 2021

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Digital economy refers to an economy that is\\nbased on digital computing technologies, based on\\nthe internet and it includes e-commerce. E-commerce\\ndefined as anything that involves an online transaction.\\nE-commerce provides multiple benefits to the consumers\\nin form of availability of goods at lower cost, wider\\nchoice and saves time online shopping has become a new\\ntrend of shopping nowadays and is quickly becoming an\\nimportant part of lifestyle. Due to wide spread internet\\naccess by people and e-commerce usage by traders,\\nonline shopping has seen a massive growth in recent\\nyears. Trend towards e-commerce is now not restricted\\nto particular strata but it includes various segments of\\nsociety.\\nThis particular paper attempted to find out\\nchanging consumers buying behavior with respect to\\ntraditional offline shopping. It covers Parameter wise\\nanalysis of shopping trends & behavior which helps to\\nunderstand consumer perception & its impact in India.\\nIt mainly focuses on changing patterns & habits of\\nconsumers in comparison with traditional-offline\\nshopping.\\nThere are several demographic & financial aspects\\nalso related to e-commerce but present study mainly\\ndetermines the general buying behavior in comparison\\nwith traditional shopping.\\nThe study was undertaken based on convenience\\nsampling in the city of Mumbai in western suburban\\nareas. It represents cosmopolitan population. The results\\nof the study highlighted that there is a significant change\\nin buying behavior due to expansion of e-commerce in\\nIndia, when we compare that with offline shopping.\\nBased on study it may be concluded that in spite of\\nmany issues & challenges, immense opportunities exist in\\ne-commerce of India & it is immensely useful not only\\nfor organizations but also for consumers if one can take\\noptimum benefit of it. At the same time traditional\\nshopping will have to modify their patterns of selling as\\nper the changing consumer’s behavior.

Keywords : E-Commerce; Online Shopping; Off-Line Shopping.


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31 - October - 2021

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