The Speech is most prominent & primary mode of Communication among of human being. The communication among human computer interaction is called human computer interface. Speech has potential of being important mode of interaction with computer .This paper gives an overview of major technological perspective and appreciation of the fundamental progress of voice recognition and also gives overview technique developed in each stage of speech recognition. This paper helps in choosing the technique along with their relative merits & demerits. A comparative study of different technique is done as per stages. This paper is concludes with the decision on feature direction for developing technique in human computer interface system using English Language. In this paper, I am going to discuss something about speech recognition through different feature like HMM (Hidden Markov Model), acoustic model etc. In this paper I focused on accuracy because accuracy is the basic key factor in speech recognition. Every time environment change, speaker is not always be fixed person, there is also variation in context occurs and also how to maximize the size of vocabulary will be my aim and goal that will be discussed in this review paper.
Keywords : English Language model; Hidden Markov Model; Feature Extraction; acoustic Model.