Sports Personnel and Scheduling/Programming as Inhibitors to Sports Development among Tertiary Institutions in Oyo State, Nigeria

Authors : Olumide Olusoga, EZOMOH, Gloria, O. Nwankwo

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

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This study investigated on sports personnel and sports scheduling/programming as inhibitors to sports development among tertiary institutions in Oyo state, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design, a population consisting of all teaching staff, all the students in all the tertiary institutions in Oyo state, the multi-stage sampling technique (simple random and convenient sampling techniques), the self-developed and structured questionnaire and the non-parametric statistics of Chisquare (x2 ) set at 0.05 Alpha levels were used for the study. Two research hypotheses of sports personnel and sports scheduling/programming were the independent variables. The findings revealed a calculated X2 value of 306.96, for sports personnel and a calculated X2 value of 23.02 for sports scheduling/programming both at df l, with a table value of 3.841. Consequently, since the calculated X2 values are higher than the table values, both hypotheses were hereby rejected. It was therefore concluded that personnel that could encourage sports participation are not adequate and most of the tertiary institutions in Oyo State do not provide adequate room for sports participation. Based upon the findings, it was therefore, recommended that the Senate/Governing bodies in the Tertiary institutions in Oyo State should make case for the employment of qualified and competent sports personnel. Also, proper planning that can create free time and enable students participation should be made on schools programmes, which will make space and encourage sports participation among the students.

Keywords : Personnel, Scheduling/Programming, Inhibitors, Development.


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