Schools help learners acquire skills in socialization,
communication, and development of their academic
ability. Equally, schools are venues that deliver a place
for parents and other stakeholders to get involved in the
teaching-learning processes and other educational
reforms of the Department of Education (DepEd).
However, the development of quality education is not a
monopoly of the school. Hand-in-hand with the school
are people who complement and supplement each other
in achieving the desired educational goals for the
learners. Hence, school personnel and other school
partners must be attentive to the learners’ welfare and
performance in school. They have the responsibility to
be involved and be sensitive enough to the learners’
problems and or development in school. With their aid
in the learners’ education, positive cooperation and
communication between the school and them will foster
the leaners’ progress and better academic performance
will be attained.
With the given scenario, the researcher having been
involved in the educational system as school head, would
like to determine stakeholders’ involvement as related to
context variables. For that purpose, the relationship
between stakeholders’ involvement and pupils’ academic
performance was examined. With these
pronouncements, a deeper understanding of
stakeholders’ involvement to the academic performance
of the learners of Paharang Integrated School is
necessary. The results could provide specific
participation which can be associated with schoolinitiated activities. The researcher strongly believes that
a strong partnership between stakeholders and school is
one powerful factor for the success of DepEd’s
educational reforms and school-initiated activities.
Research Questions
This study aimed to determine the level of
stakeholder’s involvement to school-initiated activities in
District I Secondary Schools with the end view of
proposing strategies to increase stakeholders’
engagement. Specifically, this covered profile of
respondents as to household and community; school and
stakeholders’ assessment as to their involvement to
school-initiated activities on regard to leadership and
governance, learners’ achievement; and implementation
of school’s programs and reforms. Likewise, this also
looked into the issues and challenges met by the school
on regard to stakeholder’s involvement to schoolinitiated activities.
Scope of Action Research
The descriptive research design was utilized in this
study in finding out the stakeholders’ involvement in the
school-initiated activities of Paharang Integrated School
and Talumpok Integrated School. As explained by
Fraenkel (2010), descriptive method is a process of
gathering, analysing, classifying, and tabulating data
about a prevailing phenomenon, practices, beliefs,
processes, trends, cause and effect relationship and then
making adequate interpretation of the data collected
with or without the aid of statistical method. This
involves data gathering about existing conditions
supported with descriptive analysis of gathered
information from the said survey. Also, the design
ensured to answer the questions raised since it followed a
certain process of collecting and obtaining the necessary
and accurate information needed in making this paper.
Specifically, the information used in the study came from
the perceptions and insight of the respondents through a
researcher-conducted survey with the use of a designed