Startup Legality Settings in the Law of Indonesia to Realize Legal Certification in Investing

Authors : Maryano, Ryan David Sinaulan

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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This research is part of library legal research, namely by "researching library materials" or what is called juridical-normative legal research. Countries Indonesia is the country a sovereign politically as well as countries that are developing. In connection with the development of law and economics of course have a pattern and character pitch itself in terms of determining the concept of law in the activities of the economy. The distinctive feature of regulating Indonesia's economic legal concepts includes fair and prosperous achievement targets for the people based on Pancasila, which gave birth to Pancasila economic principles that are family-friendly and populist economic thinking oriented interests for goodness society.

Keywords : Juridical-Normative, the Development of Law and Economics.


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