During the last century public lifestyle has
radically changed with the help of industrial revolution
followed by the advances in information technology all
over the world. In each sector electronic appliance play a
key role to harmonize the modernization. The tendency
of access to technology is almost same all over the world.
After a certain time this tendency emerging a cast off
electronics goods market. Some of this electronic waste (e
waste) is reused or broken down into parts or thrown
out completely to the surrounding environment. So the
generation and hazards of e-waste has become a growing
environmental concern in recent year. This paper
highlights the associated issues and strategies like
definition, classification, composition, generation and life
cycle analysis to address this emerging problem. This
study found the generation of e-waste, depends upon
previous study that were conducted by various authors
and organization all over the world emphasized on
Bangladesh. The paper summaries the status of electrical
and electronic debris and its management. The study
used both primary and secondary data sources to
accomplish the research work. The paper provides a
most recent assessment to this relatively new concept of e
waste generation in Bangladesh which might help to
build up an appropriate policy and management plan.
Keywords : E-Waste, Generation, Recycling, Bangladesh, End of Life, Composition.