Steganography: Data Hiding using Cover Image

Authors : Nikhil Garware, Pravin Shinde, Vinod Patel, Navjeetsing Patil , Yogendra Patil

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 5 - May

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Steganography is the technique which is used to provide secured communications between two or more users . This technique basically works on the principal of breaking the image into multiple parts and then hiding the data which is to be transmitted to other user’s . By using this technology we can hide and send the information in the from of digital images , videos and audios . We have used multiple algorithms to provide extra security to the encrypted image . Algorithms used include LSB (Least Significant Bit) and the MSB (Most significant Bit). For the encryption and the decryption of the image we use the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Algorithm . Iterative approach is used by the design with the block size of 128bit and key size 256bit.

Keywords : Steganography, Encryption , Decryption , Image hiding , Advanced encryption standards(AES) , LSB(Least significant Bit), MSB (Most Significant Bit), Cryptography , Compression and Decompression.


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