Stock Price Trend Forecasting Using Machine Learning

Authors : Ujwal C; Varun U K; Vishwas Gowda U; Manoj K Y; Kala Chandrashekar

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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This paper here presents how different algorithms can be implemented to find the stock price. Algorithms such as Linear Regression, KNN, Random Forest Regression, Elastic Net and LSTM model are implemented. The main aim of this paper is to find the trend of the stock i.e predict whether the price of the stock is going to increase or decrease the next day. The average of the predicted values are taken and the value is predicted. Since predicting the future value of the stock is highly dependent on various factors such as current trend, social media engagements, public involvement etc. Hence the best way to get the exact value of the stock is by predicting one day into the future.

Keywords : Stock Prediction, Machine Learning (ML), Regression


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31 - October - 2021

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