Story Characters Social Interaction in Okky Madasari Novels (Sociopragmacritics Perspective)

Authors : Arumtyas Puspitaning Padmasari; Setya Yuwana Sudikan; Budinuryanta Yohannes

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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The purpose of this research is to find and describe the existence of story characters social interaction in Okky Madasari novels. The theory used is sociopragmacritics, which is a combination of three disciplines, namely: sociology literature, pragmatic, and critical discourse analysis. This research method uses qualitative methods with objective hermeneutic and has supported by biogram chart. The data sources are words, phrases, sentences, and texts from Okky Madasari novels. All data sources are taken from interaction dialogs in the novels. Selection of data sources are based on characters, situations, and themes. Data collection techniques are using library observation such as reading, taking notes, and recording techniques. The data analysis technique has used descriptive qualitative and has supported by hermeneutic objective techniques. The data validity testing technique used triangulation, peer debriefing, guided discussion, and external auditors. The results of research on story characters social interaction in Okky Madasari novels show that social interaction is considered to be important roles, which follow dialog interaction between speakers and show some responses which lead understanding and turntaking. Besides, social interactions divide the story characters into their knowledge, education backgrounds, family background, and their desires. This research also reflects speakers’ power to handle interaction dialog.

Keywords : Social, Story, Characters, Interaction, and Sociopragmacritics


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