Educational backwardness among the poor
can hinder the creation of human resources who have
expertises and skills that are ready to be used to face
changes in the work environment. Thus, in this study the
authors aim to determine the factors that cause
educational backwardness among the poor and strategies
to overcome the educational backwardness. The methods
used in this research are qualitative and quantitative.
Research data processing using SWOT analysis
(Strength; Weakness; Opportunity; Threat) and AHP
(Process Hierarchy Analysis) using software Expert
Choise 2000. The results of this study Indicate three
factors that get the highest score are the parents whose
jobs are temporary, live in the area for more than 5
(five) years and parents low education. The objective
factor that gets the highest score is Weakness and the
strategy that gets the highest score is Weakness-Threat,
which is to share with parents about the importance of
education, share with parents about the ease and
cheapness of education, provide information to parents.
Regarding government policies related to education and
providing additional lessons to children.
Keywords : AHP; Education Backwardness; Poverty; Strategy; SWOT