Strategy for Construction of the Deaf Child in Development of Social Interaction

Authors : Dr. Syamsuddin AB Sag M Pd

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 7 - July

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The strategy of the construction of the Deaf Child in the development of Social Interaction (a case study in Land North Sinjai Subdistrict SLB Regency Sinjai). The purpose of this research was to know how deaf children’s coaching strategy in the development of social interaction at school Superb land of Sinjai, as well as any factors that hamper the construction of deaf children in the development of social interaction at school Superb Country Sinjai. The methods used in this research, is using this type of qualitative research approach to sociology and social work, approaches and techniques of data collection was done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis of the data done by the reduction of data, display data, comparative analysis and withdrawal of the conclusion. The results showed that the strategy of the construction of the deaf child in the development of social interaction at school Superb Country Sinjai i.e. wear lip language and sign language, as for the factors restricting the construction of deaf children in the development of social interaction that is lack of interest in learning in the classroom, the students liked the mood changed and there are two classes in one room. The implications of this research are expected to let the school Remarkable Country Sinjai could bring a more varied media so that the learning objectives or basic competences can be achieved to the maximum, is expected to the teacher in the field of deaf to better motivate their students to arouse passion in the process of teaching and learning as well as the presence of the addition of a class so that students with different needs can be separated so that the process of learning can take place effectively.

Keywords : Social Interaction , Strategy, Construction, Development, Child.


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