The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic at
the end of 2019 made changes in almost all life sectors.
The uncontrolled spread of the virus has caused fear in
society to visit doctors, hospitals, and other health
facilities. This condition makes the presence of the
Halodoc mobile application, which provides online
consultation services, be an answer to the public's
anxiety to keep getting services from medical personnel
without having to meet face to face. Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) is one model to analyse the
factors that influence the acceptance of new technology.
This research aims to analyse the relationship between
variables that affect Use Behavior related to the
adoption of Telehealth Halodoc services in the
Jabodetabek society. This research uses a quantitative
approach with the causality research method. It is a
research design to examine the causal relationship
between variables. In this research, there is a moderator
variable, namely Task Technology Fit. The data used in
this research is data obtained from a questionnaire
containing questions related to the variables used in the
research using the proportional stratified random
sampling technique. The results showed that all
independent variables: Performance Expectancy, Social
Influence, Ease of Use, and Task Technology Fit had a
positive and significant effect on Use Behavior. However,
the moderator variable Task Technology Fit weakens
Performance Expectancy and Social Influence on some
respondents. The results follow the theory that new
technology can be accepted if it follows user needs, is
easy to use, and has practical value for completing a job.
However, it should still be necessary to develop and add
application features and improve application design to
make it more user-friendly
Keywords : Technology Acceptance Model, Teleheath, Halodoc, Use Behavior, Task Technology Fit.