Students’ Ability in Paraphrasing an English Text

Authors : Nur Istiroqah Sanjaya; Noer Jihad Saleh; Nasmilah

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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This research aims to investigate the ability of students to paraphrase an English text. This research is conducting in the Faculty of Letter at Muslim University of Indonesia. The students in the fifth semester are the subject of this research. The researcher employs a paraphrasing text to gain data about students’ ability in paraphrasing an English text. The result of this study shows that the ability of students in paraphrasing is in good to excellent qualification However, this is the opposite of Keck’s taxonomy, where the result or paraphrasing is unsatisfactory. It happens because students tend to copy the sentences from the original text. The implication of this study is providing feedback for the students that can make the learning process more meaningful and effective.

Keywords : Students’ Ability, Paraphrasing, English Text, Original Text, Academic Writing


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