Study of Deep Space Neck Abscess

Authors : Dr. Muhammad Mozammal Haque; Dr. A.B.M. Luthful Kabir; Dr. Mostafa Kamal Arefin; Dr. Md. Shahriar Islam; Dr. Rashedul Islam; Md. Azizul Hoque Manik; Dr. Syed Sanaul Islam; Dr. Mohammad Shaharior Arafat Shawrave; Dr. Muhammad Nazrul Islam; Dr. Shaikh Nurul Fattah Rumi

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20SEP204

Objective: To evaluate the frequency and presentation of different type of deep neck abscess. This was a cross sectional study which was carried out in the departments of ENT and Head-Neck surgery Dhaka Medical College Hospital during the period of September, 2019 to 29th February, 2020. A Total 72 patients were selected according to selection criteria patient was interviewed, examined and investigated during admission and postoperatively. Pus was collected and examined microbiologically. All the information and data was recorded and analyzed by a standard statistical method. Age ranges 6-71 years with a mean age 34.82 ± 14.33 year, 47(65%) male and 25(35%) female. Maximum numbers of patient (47, 65.29%) were within 21 to 50 years age group. 55(76.39%) patients were from rural and 17(23.61%) were from urban community. 38(52.78%) patient were from low socieoeconomic groups. The most common presenting symptom was neck swelling (76.39%). Fever was present in 45.83% cases, neck pain 43.06%, dysphagia 25%, dysphonia 23.61%, Odynophagia 19.44% and Trismus 15.27%. The most commonly encountered site was the submandibular space. The common aetiology were Odontogenic infection (48.61%), Cervical tuberculosis (26.39%), pharyngo-tonsillitis (15.29%), URTI (12.5%) and others. Diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in 45.83% of cases, where complications occurred in 93.33%. The major complications of were airway obstruction (13.89%), neck skin loss (20.83%) and generalized septicemia (9.72%). Deep neck abscess is more common in patients of poor socioeconomic class and rural habitat. Bad oral hygiene, odontogenic infections and upper respiratory tract infections are important etiological factor. DM may be a precipitating factor in deep neck abscesses. So, Proper dental and oral care, control of diabetes mellitus and early intervention will reduce the morbidity and mortality

Keywords : Deep Neck Abscesses, Risk Factor


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