Study of Human Evolution and its Effects on Modern Humans from Ancient Species

Authors : Nishi Joshi; Urmil Shingala

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September

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Homo sapiens took so long to evolve from the ancient hominin species. This study shows how humans evolved from ancient species and what changes they adapted as a result of that. Basically what parameters mainly affected the development of the humans are described here. After Homo Sapiens evolved from Hominin species is having some evidence that supports the theory of mating between Homo sapiens and Hominin. Homo Heidelbergensis, Neanderthal. Gorilla, human, chimpanzees have nuclear mitochondrial DNA on chromosome 5.It will provide the evidence that exchange of genes from Gorilla lineage, resulted in the Pan-Homo split(Pan-paranthropus),and formation of paranthropus and Australopithecus species took place. The shape of Brain also has some changes as a result of evolution. H. sapiens have the brain endocranial shape which resembles an intermediate between H.erectus and Neandertals. Sometimes gene loss mutations in some genes resulted in some huge dietary evolution. Mutations observed in gene TAS2R62, TAS2R64 bitter taste receptor genes and MYH16,AMY1 resulted in some huge dietary changes

Keywords : Homo Sapiens, Evolution, Hominin, Human, Darwin, Neanderthal, Mosaic Evolution


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